
I <3 The Interwebs

When I was planning our road trip to Florida, I developed, or rather, realized an interesting, and I think healthy habit: I found that before I go somewhere, I like to research about it, and what is there, and why any of that would be significant or interesting at all.

As well, with this upcoming trip to Dryden Flight Research Center as part of the #DrydenSocial that I have been invited to, even though I know a lot about some of the projects that have taken place at Edwards AFB, I find myself researching planes, and people, and research results. An insatiable thirst for knowledge is a curious thing. The more you learn, the more you want to learn. The more you research, the more subjects you find that are interesting.

Of course, what makes this easy, and convenient, is the internet.

Being able to sit in my livingroom at home with my Wife, and watch some TV, or a movie, and upon discovering some nugget of curiosity, I can almost instantly find out what about that intrigued me, why it was, how it was, who was involved, and what else about it might be interesting. In that regard, I am like a sponge - especially when it comes to Aerospace stuff.

On Sunday, we went over to my Brother's house for a bit, and ended up watching 'In The Shadow Of The Moon', and though I'd seen it before, there were all kinds of things that I found to be interesting. I won't bore you with a list, or rob you of the particular joy of discovering the who, what, when, where and why of it for yourself, but suffice to say, pause was a commonly pressed button, and it took twice as long to watch the movie than it did last time, and the time before that, and there was quite a bit of good conversation. I love that both my Wife and Brother share an interest in Aerospace with me.

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